Ordinance No. 11-26


An Ordinance As Follows, To-Wit: Revoking The Dedication And Abandoning And Quitclaiming In Favor Of Darryl Martino. All Of The Existing Unimproved Eighty (80') Foot All Purpose Servitude On Tract La-1, Lobell Acres, Identified By The Cross-Hatched Portion As Shown On The "Map Showing Survey Of Tract La-1, Lobell Acres And A Revocated 80' All Purpose Servitude, Located In Sections 38 & 26, T7S-R5E, G.L.D. Livingston Parish, Louisiana", Made And Prepared By Ralph D. Burgess, P.L.S., Dated July 1, 2011.
Ordinance/Resolution ID: 
Adopted Year: 
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