Ordinance No. 13-28


An Ordinance Authorizing And Approving The Pledge By The Parish Of Livingston, State Of Louisiana (The "Parish"), Of The Proceeds Of The Three-Fourths Of One Percent (3/4 Of 1%) Sales And Use Tax Collected Within The Boundaries Of The Juban Crossing Community Development District (The "District") For The Payment Of Debt Service On Revenue Bonds Issued By The District To Finance The Construction, Acquisition, Extension, Expansion, Improvement, Maintenance And Operation Of Roads, Bridges, And Related Road Drainage Within The District And Acquire Equipment Related Thereto; And Further Approving The Execution By The Parish Of A Third Amended And Restated Cooperative Endeavor Agreement By And Among The Parish, The District, The Gravity Drainage District No. 1 Of The Parish (The "Drainage District") And The Economic Development District Of The Parish (The "Edd"), Relating To The Pledge, Collection And Application Of Such Sales And Use Taxes To Secure Revenue Bonds Of The District Specifically Issued For Roadways And Other Related Improvements And Related Matters In Accordance With A Tax Proposition Approved At A Special Election Held On Saturday, January 21, 2006; And Otherwise Providing For Matters With Respect Thereto.
Ordinance/Resolution ID: 
Adopted Year: 
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